Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of Field

Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of Field What Depth of Field is ?

DOF  or depth of field  is an abbreviation for an outline of what proportion of your image is in focus. A depth of field means simply that a specific area of the image is tack sharp, whereas different parts stay unclear.

Depth of Field in your Photographs

One of the most uses of degrees of freedom is to focus on the topic, reducing the impact of disorder of the bottom annoying. These may also be used in the majority types of photography, portraits, sports, photojournalism, close to macro and use of all the shallow DOF. Personally i prefer the effect, such that nearly never take an image that doesn't use some kind ofthis method. the essential rule is that if you wish look great, use shallow depth of field .

Get Shallow Depth of Field

To get a Shallow Depth of Field  is to set the f-stop as small as possible. the smaller the aperture f-stop will be greater, the larger the aperture the background will appear blurred, so the best way to shallow dof by starting at the lowest f-stop. began by experimenting on the f-stop is by putting the lowest f-stop, then take a picture, then raise one stop, and take a picture again, then you can compare the results, the experiment will facilitate you to understand the Shallow Depth of Field . other things that influential is the ISO, the higher, the lower the depth of field  on the image, so it set the ISO as small as possible, in this case the aperture is the most important thing to be set.  

Use  Shallow Depth of Field

The most common and easy way to use shallow depth of field  is bring the foreground part into focus and blur the background. a nice example of this can be the image below.

Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of Field

Whereas the vast majority of the image is out of focus you are eyes are immediately drawn to our webbed friend. If our background were in sharp focus he would be immediately lost within the background. after all every photograph is completely different for each scenario however the essential plan is to get all or most of your subject in focus and the maximum amount of your background out of focus as possible. now there are cases where you simply wish to isolate a particular part of your subject to bring importance to it as within the 2nd image to the correct. during this example the area of focus is the sharp looking edge of the flower, at the same time the main body remains blurred.

Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of Field

This brings immediate attention of your viewer to the part we want to indicate, the sharp edge in this case. you can realize as time goes on that you will get better at identifying when to use DOF and how much to use it. keep in mind if overused it will distract from the whole image, you do not need a complete blur. Another less common use for shallow Depth of Field is to own part of the foreground out of focus, then sharp subject, then out of focus background. this can be one of the most effective techniques if used properly. The result it gives is one of clear separation between the elements of the photo and when interpreted by the mind it really adds to the realism of your two dimensional photograph.

Shallow Depth of Field in Photojournalism and Portrait

Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of FieldPortrait photography and photojournalism are some of the major styles of photography you want to use shallow Depth of Field . This is a useful tool for telling stories and, as in all other uses, which draws attention to the desired position. Imagine a natural environment where a person chooses a river, sniffing with a smile on his face as a kid. It may have little depth of field in many ways to use here, and it is likely that both the flower and some or most of the face in focus, for example, 2/3rds of a look. This effectively says, "Hey, put your attention on the interaction, forget the rest.Another way would be to move the only flower in the center and let the person as a blur in the background, probably a nearly opposite straight. the example is that of an abstract and artistic history. a final interpretation might be to put an end to the flower in the foreground and the feeling that the person is experiencing. This lends itself to a ratio of image interpretation.

Shallow Depth of Field in Abstract Photography

Guide to Extreme Shallow Depth of Field
An important aspect of the applications may be blurred or surreal. With a goal of good quality and an eye for art in nature, you can really find a way to distort reality and put your mind in the picture. I do not go too deep, because this is the area where you should determine what is happening. Some techniques are only elements combine to present a sort of photographic oil painting as an example the picture on the right side. You also get a good effect for high-contrast patterns in the background, like sunlight through the leaves with a fast track in the foreground as a flower or a super-model in the way you like.

During your experience in photography you will presented with many tools and techniques to tell your stories. Although it is not the only way to tell a story, I think you will find that the depth of field is one of the most useful techniques you really need for almost style in photography.

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